roey ficaro
healing therapy
One of my deep pleasures is to offer clients tools & techniques that can be used to support healing, become more mindful in practical everyday ways and find a greater sense of wholeness. By diving deep into the self one can shift old negative unconscious conclusions created in the past into positive ones. This is where true healing begins. Only then those unconscious negative patterns & decisions can be shifted into positive ones. As this awareness takes place one can then expand into their true potential to find deepened self-acceptance, increased self-compassion, empowerment and a greater sense of wholeness in order to live a more conscious life with awareness and clarity of the choices to be made as life unfolds.
Inner Voice Dialogue
Somatic Experience
Trauma Practitioner
Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapist
Certified Aromatherapist
​ Holistic treatment is a method of healing that considers the whole person....physical, mental, emotional & spiritual. It utilizes a blend of different systems individualized to best fit each clients need based on their history, presenting problem & coping skills. It is important for all of us to become fully awake & conscious of our defense mechanisms, which basically are brilliant protectors we all develop to shield our wounded vulnerable selves until our present aware self can become more empowered.
PTSD from trauma, pain, fear & difficult emotions make it difficult to live up to our full potential. Many years of my own personal healing journey combined with years of ongoing clinical training has provided me with many skills & insights. My toolbox of techniques from a variety of approaches all listed above can help motivated clients find a way to dive deep within to shift patterns & make better life choices.
A very important part of the healing process is to form a strong therapeutic relationship based on trust & compassion in order to establish resonance.
In addition an important aspect to be explored are old negative irrational conclusions mentioned above that one may have formed in their past leading to negative unconscious behavior patterns. Replacing a negative conclusion with a positive one is imperative in order to shift ones patterns of behavior along with shifting any cognitive dissonance causing negative perceptions.
Another treatment modality listed above is Somatic Experience or SE. This work helps to relieve symptoms of PTSD. I have found that the process of weaving together different techniques can facilitate the work by fostering empowerment, consciousness & self-love.